Mirrors of the Soul
The Golden Clown
The Hill Park Mystery
De mystiske fodspor
De mystiske fodspor
Fem raske piger
Fem raske piger
The Man With Nine Fingers IV
The Clown
The Man with the Missing Finger
The Power of Love
Manden med Arret
Manden med Arret
The Mysterious X
(Still Photographer)
The Last Night
David Copperfield
Great Expectations
The Lure of the Footlights
The Power of Love
On the Stroke of Midnight
A Romance of Riches
The House of Shadows
The House of Fatal Love
The House of Fatal Love
Our Mutual Friend
The Yellow Captain
The Sweep Will Call Tomorrow
The Little Austrian
The Four Devils
Struggling Hearts
The Grass Widower
Little Dorrit
The Grass Widower
(Director of Photography)
The Golden Clown
The Clown
Maharadjahens yndlingshustru III
Honeymoon Island
My Friend the Detective
Mists of the Past