Katherine Lee Riddell Caughey, better known as Kate Lyra, is an American actress and former model. She made a career in Brazil, where she adopted the surname of her then-husband, musician Carlos Lyra.
Kickboxer 3: The Art of War
(Branco's Wife)
Bossa Nova
(English Course Receptionist)
O Prisioneiro do Sexo
Invitation to Pleasure
(Ms. Harriet)
The Sign of Scorpio
I'm Ugly But Trendy
Party Crashers
(Mãe Estrangeira)
Nos Tempos da Vaselina
My Father
(American Correspondent)
Eros, the God of Love
Uma Fêmea do Outro Mundo
What are you Laughing At? Humour and Dictatorship
Head Over Heels 2
(Madre Mary)
Um Edifício Chamado 200
Mulher Objeto
A Extorsão
A Banana Mecânica
Jogo da Vida
(Dóris Gumm)
Ninho da Serpente