Born outside Philadelphia in 1943, majored in Russian literature at the University of Wisconsin. An independent filmmaker, primarily of non-fiction works, since 1967. Only one dramatic feature film, WAITING FOR THE MOON, which won 1st prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 1987. Since 1992, a professor at the Univeristy of Notre Dame in the Film, Television and Theatre Department, teaching film production courses and other things. Recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, 2 Rockefeller Foundation Fellowships, and others.
What Farocki Taught
What Farocki Taught
What Farocki Taught
What Farocki Taught
Waiting for the Moon
Waiting for the Moon
Roy Cohn/Jack Smith
Roy Cohn/Jack Smith
Far from Poland
Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman
With Jerzy Grotowski, Nienadowka 1980
Nevelson In Process
Notes and Images From the Vietnam War
Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman
SCUM Manifesto
SCUM Manifesto
The Odyssey Tapes
The Popovich Brothers of South Chicago
Mabou Mines' Lear '87 Archive (Condensed)