Yevgeni Shutov


Steep Field

We Cannot Predict...

Svítalo celou noc

From Winter to Winter

(Пётр Воронков, сотрудник завода, однополчанин Косачева)

The Communist

(Fyodor Fokin)

Dva kluci v palbě

Story of a Real Man

The Hockey Players

(Khristofor Ivanovich)

You to Me, Me to You


Soldier Ivan Brovkin

(Appolinari Petrovich Samokhvalov)

Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm


The Alive and the Dead

Tsar Ivan the Terrible


Front Beyond the Front Line

Front Without Flanks

(Ohrim Shmil)



A Bus Driver


The Adjutant of His Excellency

(Семён Красильников)


(Sergey Sergeevich)

Terminal Velocity

(Foreign Minister)

Iron Field

(Grigoriy Vorozhun)


Bear Footprint

Father Frost and the Summer



(caretaker of an orphanage (uncredited))

Out of Boredom

We Are Taking All The Fire

(Afanasy Kalistratovich Morozov)


On the roads of war

People on the Bridge


Дом и хозяин

A Great Road Ahead


One fine day


In the Town of S.

(Пантелеймон (кучер))

And on the Pacific Ocean...

The Mysterious Wall


Subject for a Short Story

(father Gerasim)

Come Back to Baikal

Across Rus'


This is the Music...

The Russian Forest

(Grigoriy (uncredited))

Let's Wait with the Anniversary

(Сергей Евдокимович Трофимчук)

The Ivanov Family



(председатель колхоза)

Looking for My Fate



(Andrey Andreevich)

Жизнь на грешной земле

(Денис Макшеев)

На таёжных ветрах

On the Other Side



(Grigoriy Semyonovich)

The Cossacks


The End of Old Beryozovka

(Viktor Nikolayevich)

The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed


A Little Crane


Встречи на рассвете

Про Клаву Иванову


Моя улица

(Dmitriy Skvortsov)

Адъютант его превосходительства

(Семён Красильников)

To Remember
