Pokorené rieky
(Director of Photography)
Raven's Route
(Director of Photography)
Dobrodružstvo so spravodlivosťou
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Dve frašky
(Director of Photography)
Deň slnovratu
(Director of Photography)
Senzi mama
(Director of Photography)
Before Tonight Is Over
(Director of Photography)
The Bells Toll for the Barefooted
(Director of Photography)
Jeden deň pre starú paniu
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Hanča, Janko a Lucia
(Director of Photography)
125. výročie Memoranda národa slovenského
(Director of Photography)
Be Sure to Behave
(Director of Photography)
Dialogue 20-40-60
(Director of Photography)
Sedem svedkov
(Director of Photography)
Román o base
(Director of Photography)
Malá anketa
(Director of Photography)
„Od štvrtka do zmŕtvychvstania...“
(Director of Photography)
(Assistant Camera)
(Camera Department Manager)
Ring voľný
(Director of Photography)
Láska neláskavá
(Director of Photography)
Stávka s čertom
(Camera Operator)
(Assistant Camera)
(Camera Operator)
Pán si neželal nič
(Director of Photography)
Previerka lásky
(Camera Operator)
The Devil Does Not Sleep
(Assistant Camera)
Janko mydlo a voda
(Director of Photography)
An Honest Thief
(Assistant Camera)
Dva barančeky
(Assistant Camera)
Ešte sa nevraciam
(Director of Photography)
V hodine dvanástej
(Camera Operator)
Diablova pomsta
(Director of Photography)
Dragon's Return
(Director of Photography)
Christmas Wafer
(Director of Photography)
Putička Li
(Director of Photography)
Popolvar, Biggest in the World
(Director of Photography)
Kde šumí les
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Žiadne veľké slová
(Director of Photography)
Trofej neznámeho strelca
Trofej neznámeho strelca
(Director of Photography)
Posledné hry
F Sekulách okouo Vánoc
(Director of Photography)
Náš školník
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Strieborný Favorit
(Director of Photography)
Interrupted Song
(Camera Operator)
Život na úteku
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Do posledného dychu
(Director of Photography)
Concert for the survivors
(Director of Photography)
Pád hore
(Director of Photography)
Krutá ľúbosť
(Director of Photography)
Pustý dvor
(Director of Photography)
Jays in the Head
(Director of Photography)
Po deviatich rokoch
(Director of Photography)
Uzlíky nádeje
(Director of Photography)
Desiaty chlap
(Director of Photography)
Pštrosí večierok
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Plavčík a Vratko
(Director of Photography)
Every Week Seven Days
(Director of Photography)
Uhol pohľadu
(Director of Photography)
Zakázané uvoľnenie
(Director of Photography)
V predvečer
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)
Štvrtá hlava draka
(Director of Photography)
The Third Dragon
(Director of Photography)
Matej Bel z Očovej
(Director of Photography)
Zaprášené histórie Ema Bohúňa
(Director of Photography)
(Director of Photography)