Vasilis Avlonitis (Greek: Βασίλης Αυλωνίτης; 1 January 1904 – 10 March 1970) was one of the most famous old-school Greek comedians. He performed in numerous films and stage productions in the mid to late 20th century. Vasilis Avlonitis is best known for his collaboration in films with Georgia Vasiliadou; he usually played her husband, brother or neighbour. Together they would cause laugh since he portrays the fat guy and she would be the ugly funny lady having problems with him. They would get calm at the end of the film, by resolving their arguments and/or marrying each other. Avlonitis has also carried demanding drama roles, such as the leading character in the film Tis nyhtas ta kamomata.
Μαρία Πενταγιώτισσα
Δύσκολοι δρόμοι
Klearhos, Marina and the short one
(Klearhos Zougalas)
We Have Only One Life
The Hurdy-Gurdy
Party, Money and Love
The Beauty of Athens
(Zahos Markas)
Ο Τζίτζικας κι ο Μέρμηγκας
The Coffee Reader (Kafetzou)
When the Cat is Missing!
Ο Μιχαλιός του 14ου Συντάγματος
(Colonel Dimos Karadimos)
The Girl Has Got an Uncle
Laterna, Poverty and Carnation
The Treasure of the Beatitude
The Bridegrooms of Eftyhia
(Vagelis Tarnianis)
Madame Mayor
(Anargyros Prokopis)
Κατά Λάθος Μπαμπάς
Young and old in action...
(Faidon Karadoulbanis)
Lazy like a dog
(Alexandros Pelekanos)
Τρίτη και 13
Another One for the Million
Οι Προικοθήρες
Giannis Messed Up
A Very Clever Guy
Thymios in the Land of Striptease
The Clever Bird
Το λιμάνι των δακρύων
Ήταν Όλοι Τους... Κορόιδα!
(Giagkos Sousamis)
A Patented Stupid Man
Four Brides and a Groom
Snow White and the 7 Old Boys
Double Sacrifice
Bouzouki Strumming
Ησαΐα χόρευε
(Isaias Kontomakris)
Κορόιδο γαμπρέ
(Diamantis Sarantopoulos)
The Money
(Theodosis Mentikas)
Ο Παράς Και Ο Φουκαράς
(Mr. Panagakos)
Το Εισπρακτοράκι
Horse and Carriage
Τρία Κορίτσια απ'την Αμέρικα
(Harilaos Stouros)
Γαμπρός για Κλάματα
The Woman Driver
Το Καρπουζάκι
Ο ΨευτοΘόδωρος
And All 14 Were Wonderful!
Yannis is afraid of the Beast...
Τέρμα Τα Δίφραγκα
Ο Ανηψιός μου ο Μανώλης
(Aristeidis Papakatsikas)
Η Αδελφή Μου Θέλει Ξύλο
(real estate agent)
Ο Μπαμπάς Μου Ο Τεντυμπόυς
(Dodos Varlentis)
At Night The Entanglements
Get Up, Dance Sirtaki
Ο Πεθερόπληκτος
(Theofrastos Karatourlekis)
The Happy Beginning
(Andronikos Sofras)
Meletis of the Flying Squad
The Harefoot
Fifis the Unbeatable
Μπάρμπα Γιάννης ο Κανατάς
Κάθε Κατεργάρης Στον Πάγκο Του
My Bitter Love
Αγάπησα και πόνεσα
I Ellinida kai o erotas
So Many Dreams on the Streets
Αγαπούλα μου
Goodmorning Athens
(Menelaos Stasinopoulos)
Η Αριστοκράτισσα Και Ο Αλήτης
Παράσταση για ένα ρόλο
((archive footage))
Μακρυά απ' τον κόσμο
Τα δίχτυα της ντροπής
Πονηρός πράκτωρ Καραγκιόζης
Τα κορόιδα η βαλίτσα μου κι εγώ
Έξυπνοι και Κορόιδα