The First Day of Freedom
Killer 2
Kalosze szczęścia
New Year's Eve Adventure
(Pick-up artist (uncredited))
What Will You Do When You Catch Me?
(Kwaśniewski's Colleague)
Powrót do Polski
(Andrzej Frankowski)
Jest sprawa...
(Helmut Muller, burmistrz Wiehlendorfu)
Kazimierz Wielki
The Mystery of the Old Garden
Big Beat
(Band Member (uncredited))
The Shadow-Line
Inspekcja pana Anatola
(organizator konkursu)
Zawsze w niedziele
(Piano Factory Employee ("Third Sunday"))
(Ernesto Fosca)
Westerplatte Resists
(Soldier without a Helmet (uncredited))
A Party for Ten, Plus Three
((voice) (uncredited))
Shoot Paragon!
Landscape After Battle
Agent #1
(Bandos (voice) (uncredited))
Wounded in the Forest
The Bait
(Mark Lotter)
Shifting Sands
(Man on the Boat)
The Gorgon Case
(Fotoreporter "IKC")
Red Rowan
(Platoon Leader)
Milion za Laurę
The Hours of Hope
(Boy from Zamojszczyzna)
The Night of the Generals
(Polish Partisan (uncredited))
(Tram Driver asking for Help)
Hunting Flies
(Club Patron)
Place on Earth
The Deserters
(fotograf Kurz)
Coyote's Morning
(Reżyser kina akcji)
Warszawska syrena
Theatre Macabre
(Klein, subiekt w sklepie Wokulskiego)
Little Death
(ksiądz proboszcz)
Na kłopoty... Bednarski
(Jaś, radiotelegrafista (w napisach: Stefan Friedman))
Polskie drogi
(fotograf, członek AK (w napisach: Stefan Friedman))
Podziemny front