Earth's Most Beloved Son
(Iustin Comănescu)
The Secret of Bacchus
(Victor Mirea)
Autumn of the Goslings
(Medicul Ovidiu)
Secretul lui Nemesis
(Victor Mirea)
High schoolers on alert
(The Major)
The Convoy
Babusca's Adventures
(Police Lieutenant Marinica)
(Lt. Nistor)
Iarna bobocilor
The Migrant Birds Are Coming
Good Evening, Irina
The Last Assault
For Motherland
(Sergeant Ciucă)
Everything is Paid
(La Peyrolle)
Sentimental Summer
(Bogdan Mihai)
The Take-Off
(Paul Bentu)
A Studio Searching for a Star
(The Director)
Jachetele galbene
Open Path
At the Crossroads of Great Storms
(Lt. Devos)
Zbor periculos
Anything for Soccer
(fotbalistul Dobre)