Fouad Al-Mohandes

Between his birth on 6 September 1924 and his passing on 16 September 2006, Fouaad al-Mohandess made a major mark on Egyptian theatre, cinema, radio and television. Devoted since childhood to the performing arts, al-Mohandess' first introduction to the stage took the form of school plays, followed by university theatre at the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University. Al-Mohandess modeled himself for a while on the great comedian Nagueeb al-Reehaany, rehearsals of whose troupe he regularly attended. In 1953, al-Mohandess joined the radio program “Saa'a le-albak i.e. An hour for your heart”. Two years later, he was one of the co-founders of the “Saa'a le-albak” theatre troupe. He directed their first play, “Kaan mel-awwal i.e. It was about time”, and performed in most of the productions subsequently staged by the troupe. The next turning point in his career came when he began to perform in television-sponsored play productions. Roles in plays such as “Ana we howwa we heyya i.e. Me, he and she (1962)” and “Al-sekerteir al-fanny i.e. The technical secretary (1963)” brought him to the attention of a large and appreciative audience. Then, in 1966, he co-founded the United Artists' troupe, taking leading roles in several of the plays staged by the troupe, among them “Ana we howwa we somowwo i.e. Me, he and his Highness (1966)” and “Sayyedaty al-gameela - An adaptation of My Fair Lady (1968)” which are considered by many the highpoint of his career on stage. In 1971 El-Mohandess, with his then wife Shweikar, with whom he formed a very popular duo, joined the Egyptian Comedy troupe, participating in many of the comedies it staged, including “Hello, Dolly (1971)”, “Leih, leih i.e. Why! Oh Why? (1976) and “Ennaha hakkan ‘aaela mohtarama i.e. It's quite a respectable family (1978)”. El-Mohandess' first break on the big screen was in the 1953 film “Ghaltet ‘omr i.e. The mistake of a lifetime”, which he followed up a year later with a role in “Bent al-geiraan i.e. The neighbours' daughter (1954)”. He played supporting roles in several successful films, including “Bayn al-atlaal i.e. Amid the ruins”, “Nahr al-Hobb i.e. The river of love”, Almaz wa ‘Abdo al-Haamouly i.e. Almaz and ‘Abdo al-Haamouly” and “Shafeeka al-Kebteyya i.e. Shafeeka the Copt”.


Serial Killer of Women

(محسن عبدالبر)

Fatat Al-Mafia

Bekaya azraa

The Rebellious

Rawheya Has Been Kidnapped

Girl next door

Madrasat Al-Moraheqeen

(Nouh Al-Maadawi)

Eve at 12 o'clock

(سامي الباجوري)

Melody of Joy

The technical secretary

(ياقوت عبد المتجلي)

عماشه فى الأدغال

Lock Up Your Daughters

(Doctor Raefat)

Runaway from Marriage

(Zaki Saber)

Meeting at the Tower

(حسن هولمز)

Thaman Al-Hob


Unfinished Crime


Sayedaty El Gameela

(كمال الطاروطى)

Viva Zalata

(Zalata / Metwally)

My Super Crazy Wife

Shafiqa Al-Qibtiya

(Arif Marouf)

The River of Love


Honorable mention criminal

Badia Masabni

(Naguib Al-Rihani)

Pack of Devils


The Fox and Grapes

(أبو العلا شاهين)

The Student


God Is on Our Side

Cup of torment

(عامل بالورشة)

My Wife's Suitor


Maa'boudat Al-Gamahir

(Zaghloul Hedayat)

أنا وهو وهي

(حمدي المحامي)

Bein Al-Atlal

(عبد المنعم)

A Husband On Demand


A Husband’s Confession


The Bey Doorman


Mottarada Gharameya


The Black Candles

(Abdel Muti)

His Majesty

(General Askalani)

The Groom Arrives Tomorrow


For Your Eyes

(أستاذ صابر)

His Excellency, The Ambassador

(Fouad فؤاد)

The Most Dangerous Man in the World

(Zaki / Mr. X)

Khamsa Bab

(Kolo Mashy)

I, He and She

(Hamdy Atiyya)

Take Care of Your Neighbors

Land of Hypocrisy

(Masoad Abu Alsaad)

It Is Really A Respectable Family

كان وكان وكان

(راضي أبو ريشة)

Almaz And Abdo El Hamouly

A wife from Paris

(داوود حسب النبي - الناظر)

Princess Of Arabia


You killed my father


Love situation


She, I, and His Highness



(Jalal Abu Al-Saud)

Cairo at Night

A Bachelor’s Life


The Little Charmer


Zizi's Family

(Sab3awy سبعاوي)

Hawaa2 el sa3a 12

(سامي الباجوري)

Hala Habibty

The return of the world's most dangerous man

Wakeful Eyes

(Salah's friend)

El Ragel Da Hayganeni


Wellness leave

((حسين الموظف))

Please, kill me


العتبة جزاز

(عبد الحفيظ/ماكس)

The Fake Millionaire

(حمدي الشيال/سعيد المكسيكي)

Very funny world


Groom of the minister's daughter

(عمر قمر الدين)

The Swindlers


Shanbu Fi Al-Musayda

(Shanbo Mustafa Shanbo)

Love in August

(فريد توفيق / أحمد)

A Woman in a Spiral

ًWhere I am and where are you?

(أيوب جاد الحق جاد الله جاد المولى / طبوزاده)

Love Vacation

(مجدي صالح)

Mawa'ed Ma' Almady


Youth, love and fun


Childish case

Ghaltet El Omr

No Tears

The Time of Miracles

(صديق وحيد)

أسعد الله مساءك


Mat3ab Al Mahna


العتبة جزاز


اللعبة المجنونة

عمو فؤاد

(عمو فؤاد)

أحلام العنكبوت Spider Dreams

سعيكم مشكور Presumed Dead

الكاميرا الخفية مع فؤاد المهندس Hidden camera with Fouad Al-Mohandes

Ard el Nifaq

الزائر المجهول

(محسن السرجاني)

When The World Turns


أزواج لكن غرباء

عمو فؤاد بيلف بلاد