Ahmed Zaher graduated from the Faculty of Commerce before receiving a bachelors degree from the Higher Institute for Theatrical Arts. His television works include “Al Ragol al Akhir” (The Last Man), “Amshir,” “Li al ‘Adalah Wojooh Kathira” (Justice Has Many Faces), “Hadeeth al Sabah wal Masaa” (Morning and Evening Talk), “Al ‘Ussyan” (Disobedience), “Al Haqeeqa wal Sarrab” (Mirage and Truth), “Samehoony Makansh Qasdy” (Forgive Me I Didn’t Mean It), “Khalf al Abwab al Mughlaqa” (Behind Closed Doors), “Umm Kalthoum” and “Harat al-Tablawy” (al Tablawy’s Neighborhood). He has also worked on the 2002 play “Edla’y ya Doussa” in addition to “Wada’an ya Bakawat” (Farewell Tears).
The Suit
Captain Hima
Three-Quarters Decent
Unruly Friends
(د / روؤف)
Day 13
Sayed The Ace
(Sayed The Ace)
Black February
عش العصفور
My Guide Dog
Marriage on Cellophane Paper
A Groom from a Security Agency
(تقدم لخطبة حبيبة)
Talk To Mum
Forced Escape
(محمود أحمد زهران - شاهد الزور)
Belia We Demagho El Aliaa
Cell 07
The Story of Hayat
Truth and Mirage
Abu Hafiza
The Clinic
(مراد نشأت السلحدار)
Case c
El Sakr Shaheen
The Other Man
Son of the Poor
Mountain Wolves
Break the Impasse
اختيار إجباري
The Disobedience
Ne'ma, The Lawyer
Harun Al Rashid
Om Kulthum
The Prince
Morning and Evening Talk
Justice Has Many Faces
Words on Paper
(فرج شبل)
The Flood
Master of People
The Disobedience
(رأفت عاصم الغرباوي)
The Magician's Show
Master of People