A Cure for Suffragettes
Gambier's Advocate
(Gene Vane)
The Baby and the Stork
(A Wife)
Near To Earth
The Girl and Her Trust
One Is Business, the Other Crime
(Poor Wife)
For His Son
(The Secretary)
Fate's Turning
(Mary, a Waitress)
The Song of Hate
The Cricket on the Hearth
Les Misérables
The Cord of Life
An Awful Moment
A Flash of Light
The Female of the Species
(The Other Woman)
Iola's Promise
(Jack's Sweetheart)
Sporting Blood
(Mary Ballard)
The Bondman
The Little Tease
The Great Shadow
(Elsie Alexander)
The Final Settlement
His Last Burglary
Taming a Husband
The Two Paths
The Failure
(The Woman)
Little Women
(Jo March)
A Siren of Impulse
The Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch
(The Goddess's Sister)
A Woman's Way
What's Your Hurry?
When Kings Were the Law
(The King's Favorite)
The Wild Goose
(Mrs. Hastings)
The Usurer
The Message of the Violin
General Electric Theater
The Millionaire
(Mrs. Aggie Martin)
Life With Father