Fightin' Mad
(Micah Higgins)
The Roaring Rider
Under Fire
(Cmdr. Cranston)
Wild Bill Hickok
(Wyatt Earp)
Men of Daring
(Colonel Murphy)
Are We Civilized?
(Christopher Columbus)
The Tonto Kid
(Tom Quillan - Diamond D Foreman)
The Best Man Wins
(Shakespearean Actor)
$50,000 Reward
(Anthony Jordan)
Wells Fargo
Beyond the Rockies
(Townsman (uncredited))
We Live Again
Heroes of the West
(Sleepy Juror)
Gordon of Ghost City
The Jaws of Justice
The Hottentot
(Red Kimball)
General Custer at the Little Big Horn
(General Terry)
Bringin' Home the Bacon
(Joe Breed)
Hell's Heroes
(Gambler (uncredited))
Clive of India
(Leadsman (uncredited))