Ivan Krajíček (* May 24, 1940, Žilina - † June 5, 1997, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor, singer, comedian, director, moderator and entertainer. At the age of five, he began playing the violin. He also devoted himself to some sports, e.g. discus throw, cycling, hockey and more. In the years 1957-1961 he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In 1964, he began performing in the drama ensemble of the New Stage. He worked here until 1975 and later transferred to the operetta ensemble, where he became a soloist. As a versatile artist, he devoted himself to acting, singing, moderation, cabaret and also worked as a theater and television director. During his full-time military service, he prepared an entertainment program for which he needed a script. He joined Old Hlaváček, who was on full-time military service in Mikulov at the time, and he wrote the script for him. The collaboration grew with the theater and cabaret duo - Krajíček - Hlaváček, which was invented by Ivan Krajíček. Later, the comedic couple appeared in cabaret, radio and television. Their most famous program was the Inn under the Chestnut, where they created two farms. In 1964 he joined the New Stage [1]. The tomb of Ivan Krajíček in the Slávičie údolie cemetery He often performed as an actor and singer with Zora Kolínská, with whom they sang a few duets. As a director he directed many works, e.g. Tululum (musical comedy), Cyrano from the suburbs (musical) and many others. He worked in dubbing, in programs for children, moderated various competitions, events, entertainment programs such as. Bratislava Lyre or Vtipnější wins. He started moderating the Disco for the Elderly and Advanced, which later changed its name to May I Beg ?. In the early 1990s, he invented and moderated a successful song competition called Repete. He also sang his songs in this competition (eg Dangerous Miss, Mom, Journey to Heaven, Kazačok, Black Eyes, Tulip, The Last Feast, Song about a Rock Flower and others), but he also sang with other singers and added his own comic scenes to individual songs. . The successful program (for example, in the first round, 16,000 correspondence cards came to the competition from the audience and at the beginning of 1993 to 180,000) moderated until February 1997, after his death he was replaced as a moderator by Zora Kolínska. Award for acting performance at the festival in Karlovy Vary (For the character of Cornelius in the musical Hello Dolly!) (1970) The Life of Sympathy Award for Life magazine readers
Charleyho teta
Pustý dvor
Noc v krčme „U veľkého diviaka“
(Kohlstrunck, žandár)
Čaj u pána senátora
Noc v internáte
Riders in the Sky
Hrnčiarsky bál
(Floriš Stacho)
Deravé vrecko
Plavčík a Vratko
(King (voice))
Apollón z Bellacu
Šesť postáv hľadá autora
Hostinec pod gaštanom
Niet inej cesty
Tichá kaviareň
V stolnom meste Kyjeve
Láska neláskavá
Skrytou kamerou
Suttonský duch
Silvestr na přání aneb Čí jsou hory Kavčí
Silvestr 1978
Silvestr na Silvestru
Cesta ženy
(Viktor (voice))
Nie je všedný deň
Zázračný autobus
Neďaleko do neba
Sváko Ragan
(Cigáň Gejza)
Oko za oko
Stratená dolina
Čo sa stalo v malom kine
Zaprášené histórie Ema Bohúňa
V tieni vlkov
Sváko Ragan
Výmysly uja Elektróna
Rozprávky pätnástich sestier
Bitka o van Gogha
Humánna povinnosť
Sťopka a Šidielko
Zeleň kráľ
Majster zlodejského cechu
Recepty na šťastie
Recepty na šťastie
Recepty na šťastie
Silvestr na přání aneb Čí jsou hory Kavčí
Silvestr 1978
Figliar Sťopka
Tristotridsaťtri strieborných prepelíc
Tri krát tri je deväť
My sme malí muzikanti
My sme malí muzikanti