Bérangère McNeese is a Belgian and American actress and director. In 2020, she won the Magritte Award for Best Short Film for her film Matriochkas. Bérangère McNeese was born to an American father and a Belgian mother. She has a twin sister.
The Making of the World
Binaud & Claude
Photo de famille
Let's Get Lost
Hear Me Out
The Volcano
Snuls, de toute façon, dans 20 minutes vous aurez tout oublié
Darling Trap
Second Chance
The Madness Express
June July
Demain, si tout va bien
Mortelle raclette
Camille Chamoux - Chamouxland
En famille : Vacances en Bretagne
Le Viol
Extra Large
The Pure Bodies
(Haze Painting)
Metal in Your Head
Air comprimé
Never Look at the Sun
(Voice Over)
All Boys Like That
The Connection
(Nurse at Timone)
The Third War
Murders in...
(Isabelle Servin)
HIP - High Intellectual Potential
(Daphné Forestier)
Son Of
La Bouse
Face à face
(Louise Venturi)
Good People
(Linda Vandersteen Leroy)
Au fond du trou