White Queen's Move
(Тимофей Крыжалов, незадачливый спаситель)
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures
(Федя, «Напарник» / недовольный покупатель, «Операция «Ы»)
Welcome, or No Trespassing
Wedding in Malinovka
(Бандит "Сметана")
The Most Beautiful Horse
Golden Horns
Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipes
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle
(Mechanic Makarych)
(Пират, веселый слуга Бармалея)
Car, Violin and Blot the Dog
(музыкант на тубе, житель дома Фердыщенко, шашлычник-грузин.)
Striped Trip
The Scouts
There Will Be No Leave Today
(Vasili Makarovich)
They Were Known Only By Their Faces
Seven Old Men and One Girl
(Масленников («старик», оперный певец))
The Serf Actress
Finest, the Brave Falcon
Shepherd Yanka
The Sleeping Lion
Three Fat Men
A Tale of Don
Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика
Goal! Another Goal!
(Taxi driver)
A Friend in Court Is Better...
(driver of the truck)
Little Hare
(шумовик в театре)
Change a Dog for a Train
Amazing Berendeev
(Artur Bragin)
The White Grand Piano
Circus in the Circus
Hot Soul
Two Sundays
The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik
In the Town of S.
(господин с ананасом)
Give Me a Paw, My Friend!
Mercy Train
Spring Tale
A Star of the Screen
Gold watch
The Bicycle Tamers
(Director velozavoda)
The New Adventures of Doni and Mikki
Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka
(посол (озв. Иван Рыжов))
A Hard Day's Monday
(повар в кафе-ресторане)
Roman and Francesca
(Herr Fritz)
Not Under the Jurisdiction
12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin
Red, Blue, Green
(продавец игрушек)
The Classified City
(Truck Driver)
The Mandate
It Also Happens
(Apollon Chokaev)
Returned Music
Save the Drowning Man
Эта твёрдая земля
Where are you, Knights?
Strictly Business
(Bill Driscoll - Sam's partner (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief»))
Булочка с маком
(директор ресторана)