
Yuriy Yakovlev



(Bee - The Wandering Patsak Singer)

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession

(царь Иван Васильевич Грозный / управдом Иван Васильевич Бунша)

Чужой бумажник

The Travels of Chichikov: Manilov


Старые песни о главном

(читает закадровый текст)

Three Years

The Irony of Fate. The Sequel

(Ippolit Georgievich)

Insurance Agent

(as Narrator(voice))


Избранник судьбы


The Time of Sons


Samovar Ivan Ivanovich


Moomintroll and the Comet



(Mikhail Solomatin)

The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

(Ипполит Георгиевич)

The Man from Nowhere

(Vladimir Porazhayev)

Ballad of a Hussar

(Lieutenant Rzhevsky)

Old Men: Robbers

(Голос за кадром)

The Seagull


Ballad of a Soldier

(Narrator (uncredited))

Das russische Wunder

((Russian version narrator))


(Николай Алексеевич)

A Trap for Lonely Man

(police commissioner)

The Blue Bird


Earthy Love


Anna Karenina

(Stiva Oblonskiy)

Dangerous Corner

(Robert Caplan)

First Ambulance

Naval Cadets III

(Apraksin - feldmarshal)

The Wind


We, the Undersigned

(Yuri Nikolayevich Devyatov)

The Children of Iron Gods




An Ideal Husband

(Sir Robert Chiltern)

Beware of the Car!

(Narrator (voice))

The Millionairess

(Egyptian Doctor)


Kremlin Courier

King Stag


An Easy Life

(Alexander Petrovich Bochkin)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..


What About You, Comrade?

This Fantastic World 10


Promise of Happiness


Under the Chestnut Trees of Prague


Behind the Footlights


Right of First Signature



(German officer)

Poem about Wings

(И. И. Сикорский)

Friends and Years

(Юрий Державин)

Treasure Island: Part II - Captain Flint's Treasure

(«Ben Gunn» - sea pirate (voice))

Girl on the Ball


Velvet Season

(De Braschen)


(Tikhon Bryukhanov, regional committee secretary)

Dancing Ghosts

(Igor's father)

The Left-Hander

(император Николай «Палкович»)

Treasure Island

(Ben Gunn (voice))

A Great Road Ahead


Lost in Time

An Unusual Summer

Первые радости

Seven Days After the Murder

(Mikhail Romanovich)

Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man


Subject for a Short Story

(Ignatiy Potapenko)

The Russian Forest


City at Dawn


Yuliya Vrevskaya

(Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich)

The Ship of Look-Alikes


Phaethon - The Son of the Sun

(Kosmonavt (voice))


(Андрей Фёдоров, он же лже-Мухин)

Moomintroll and the others

(Snusmumrik (voice) / Снусмумрик)

Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutant

Khalif the Stork

(визирь халифа (uncredited))


Три ненастных дня

(Igor Kornilov - polkovnik sledovatel)

The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky

To proceed with the investigation. Movie 2: Slander

Ladies and Hussars

Crazy Money




Old Songs about the Main Thing 3

(Иван Васильевич Бунша)

The Story of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut

(отец де Грие)

Princess Turandot


Much Ado About Nothing


Drama on the Hunt

The Idiot

(Prince Myshkin)

The Case


Eugénie Grandet

(Narrator (voice))

The Trial of Madmen

(Journalist Richard Stark)

Заре навстречу

(Pyotr Sapozhkov)

The Birth of Eros


Легенды кино

(Self (archive footage))