
Vladimir Basov

Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (03.17.1964). People's Artist of the RSFSR (7.01.1977). People's Artist of the USSR (10/14/1983). Vladimir Basov went to the front in July 1941. First, the lieutenant of the quartermaster’s service, Basov served as the head of the club of the 4th Separate Rifle Brigade, for the excellent organization of amateur performances in combat conditions, he was awarded the medal "For Military Merit". And then his military fate makes a sharp turn and Vladimir Basov becomes a mortar man. A lot of feats were made by the mortar battery of senior lieutenant Basov, he was wounded on February 23, 1945, returned to service after being wounded. The war ended with the rank of captain and as deputy chief of the operational department of the 28th separate artillery division of the breakthrough of the reserve of the High Command. In 1947 he entered the directing department (workshop of Yutkevich and Romm). Member of the CPSU (b) since 1948. Since 1952 - director of the Mosfilm film studio. In 1952, after graduating from VGIK, as an assistant director, he participated in the filming of the film "Przhevalsky" (the director of the film was his teacher Sergei Yutkevich). The first directorial work was a film adaptation of the performance of the Theater Studio of the film actor "The Workman" (1953, together with Mstislav Korchagin). As a film actor he made his debut in his film School of Courage (1954). He starred in more than 80 films. Vladimir Basov is a brilliant character and comedian. One of the best directorial work of Vladimir Basov was the film "Shield and Sword" (1968). Vladimir Basov died on the morning of September 17, 1987 from a second stroke in his Moscow apartment. He was buried at the Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow.


Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures

(суровый милиционер, новелла «Напарник»)


(Владимир Иванович Беликов)

The Adventures of Buratino

(Duremar / Дуремар)

About the Little Red Riding Hood

(худой волк)

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears

(Anton Kruglov)

Суббота и воскресенье


(director of the regional museum)

Walking the Streets of Moscow

(Floor Polisher)


(Rodion Vasilievich Sinitsin - the opera singer)

Hopelessly Lost

(Pap Finn)

Teheran '43

(Interrogator (uncredited))

The Miracle Voice of Gelsomino

(King Giacomon)

The Adventures of Prince Florisel

(Инспектор Трентон)

Domestic Circumstances

The Adventures of the Electronic


The Trust That Has Burst

(Pseudo John Perpoint Morgan)

Crime and Punishment



(Prince Lemon)

Vacation at Your Own Expense


The Long Recess


Look for a Woman

(Monsieur Jacques-Pierre Antoine)

Days of the Turbins


The Flight

(Artur Arturovich, the Cockroach Tsar)

Never Guessed and Didn't Expect


Slashing Fellow

The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel

(Block Silent)

Dangerous Corner

(Charles Stanton)

Captain Nemo


Funny People!

(Авдиесов, дьякон)

The Boatswain and The Parrot



(генерал фон Ронсдорф)

The Circus Princess


The Story of the Voyages


Step Forward


Vassilissa Mikulishna

(Tsar Vladimir (voice))

New Year's Song of Father Frost

A Dog Was Walking on the Piano


Ivan and Colombina


Punchy Man


Be My Husband


Live in Joy

(«Дипломат» (Виталий Гаврилович Марципанов, жулик))


The Roundabout


Legends of Peruvian Indians


Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...

(контролёр (новелла «Комод»))

In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night

(Studio Director)

Chefs Came to Competition...

(Владислав Константинович - учитель танцев)

The Evening Labyrinth

The Magician


Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya Gorynycha

(Zmey (voice) / Змей Горыныч)

Under the Roofs of Montmartre


Country House

While the Dream is Mad

Nylon 100%

(адвокат Василий Киреев)

Первые радости

Schedule for the Day After Tomorrow

First Cavalry

Поездка через город

Domestic Circumstances

Urgent... Secret... CheKa

Premonition Of Love

(дядя Вася)

Time and the Conways

(Ernest Beevers in maturity)

The Sun, the Sun Again

(Ван Ваныч)

The Imp N13

(Teacher / Учитель)

Любовь к трём апельсинам

(маэстро Дапертутто)

Back to life

The Grandmothers Told in Two...

The Woman in White

(Louis, Sir Fairlie's Footman)

Pani Mariya




Чудный характер

Facts of the Past Day


Войникът от обоза


Queen of Spades


100 grams for Bravery


A Sentimental Romance

(Gorodnitskiy's father)

Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram

(Passazhir tramvaya / nachalnik otdela)

Captain Nemo


Легенды кино

(Self (archive footage))

The Days of the Turbins


The Adventures of the Electronic


Большая перемена


The Shield and the Sword


Как уходили кумиры

(Himself / ArchiveFootage)

Open Book

(Пётр Николаевич Власенков)