
Saul Levine

Saul Levine, born in New Haven Connecticut, is a maker and advocate of avant-garde film and more recently video. He is currently a professor at MassArt where he has taught for over 30 years and programmed the longstanding MassArt Film Society. His work has been screened nationally and worldwide, most recently in Ontario, MOMA (NYC), Lima and Prague. He is based in Boston and hardly leaves town.


On Another Note


Note Chicago Reds and Blues


Dreaming In The Dark


Note to Pati


Salt of the Sea


Breaking Time part 1


Bopping the Great Wall of China Blue


Notes of an Early Fall


Light Licks Series




Note to Erik


On the Spot


Note to Colleen


Star Film




Rambling Notes


Twilight Portrayal: Sheryl Kaye


Light Licks: By the Waters of Babylon: I Want to Paint It Black


Lost Note


Light Licks: By the Waters of Babylon: This May Be The Last Time


Light Licks: Daily Camera


Light Licks: By the Waters of Babylon: Jamming


Light Licks: By the Waters of Babylon: In the Hour of the Angels


Notes After Long Silence


Dream Story


Falling Notes Unleaving


Later, Later, Dutch Master, Later




Note One


Light Licks: Pardes: Night Time is the Right Time




Shmateh III


Is As Is


Z (Zee Not Zed)


Light Hit


Whole Note


A Few Tunes Going Out: Groove to Groove


As Is Was


A Few Tunes Going Out: A Brennen Soll Columbus N Medina




As Is Is




Unemployment Portrayal Note


Rolls and Stumbles with Cherries in the Middle


The Big Stick / An Old Reel


New Left Note


Note to Poli


Light Lick: Get It While You Can


Raps and Chants, Part II


Dead Day Window Display Note


Toscanini's European Sidewalk Cafe


Light Licks: Detour


Light Licks: Only Sunshine


Light Licks: I Saw the Light Praise the Dark




Dreams and Apparitions of Mark LePore




Light Lick: Amen


Light Lick: Love Stain


Entry Note


Note to Tetsua


Light Licks: Pardes: Drowned Hat Rescue Media City Motown Jump


Light Licks: Pardes: Wild Blue Yonder




911-Serra's Morning


Off Selexa


Esprit de Corps

(Camera Operator)

Light Licks: Pardes: Counting Flowers on the Wall


Light Lick: Born Under a Bad Sign


Light Lick: Az Sent (Amazing Grace)


All That's Solid


August Moon and Sea


Melts Into Air


Saul's Scarf


Mortgage on My Body


Caw Notes
