The Pig Boy and The Princess and the Pea
En ven i bolignøden
Alt for kvinden
The Missing Clerk
The Olsen Gang's Big Score
(Polizist in Mortensens Polizeiauto, im Bild hinten links (direkt hinter Mortensen) (uncredited))
The Olsen Gang
(Man at the Ferry Terminal (uncredited))
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
(Bridge Operator (uncredited))
The Man from Swan Farm
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok
(Prison Truck Driver (uncredited))
The Olsen Gang on the Track
(Train Conductor (uncredited))
Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie
Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglers
Me and My Kid Brother
Magic in Town
Sømænd og svigermødre
Our Home Is Our Castle
The Musketeers
Det var en lørdag aften
I den grønne skov
Ild og jord
Revolution My A..
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
(Vred bilist)
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
(Jensen (uncredited))