The Legend of Princess Olga
(Prince Mal of the Drevlians)
What a Smile You Got
(Petya, radio installer)
Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
Captain Blood: His Odyssey
(Paul Cauzak)
Rain in a Foreign City
A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
(Judge General Kochubei)
A Story of the Forest: Mavka
Prince Danylo Halytskyi
From the Life of Ostap Vyshnya
Straw Bells
Swan Lake: The Zone
(Prison Guard)
We Are Men!
(Narrator (voice))
Brothers. The Final Confession
(Starý Stanislav)
Soft-Boiled Boots
Captain Nemo
Spirits of Hell
Допинг для ангелов
Расколотое небо
Captain Nemo
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