Doctor Who: The Robots of Death
Men Who Sleep in Cars
Henry V
(Duke of Bedford)
Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
(Xoanon (voice))
Henry IV Part 1
(Prince John)
Henry IV Part 2
(Prince John of Lancaster)
(Malcolm, actor)
Midsomer Murders
(Richard Florian)
The Bill
A Touch of Frost
The Fourth Arm
The BBC Television Shakespeare
Doctor Who
(Xoanon (voice))
Doctor Who
Secret Army
(Gilbert Whippet)
(Adam McBride)
An Englishman's Castle
(Bert Worth)
Secret Army
(Adam Girton)
The Thick of It
(Geoff Holhurst)
Dancing on the Edge
(Sarah's Father)
Soldier Soldier
(Major Beaston Hird)
Aliens in the Family