Ernest "Ernie" Arthur Coombs, CM, born on November 26, 1927, in Lewiston, Maine, was a beloved Canadian children's entertainer known as "Mr. Dressup." He became an icon in Canadian television with his show, which aired from 1967 to 1996. Coombs enchanted audiences with his gentle demeanour, creative storytelling, and the adventures he shared with his puppet friends, Casey and Finnegan. His dedication to children's education and imaginative play earned him accolades, including the Order of Canada in 1996. Coombs passed away on September 18, 2001, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and a lasting impact on generations of children.
Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make Believe
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Green
(Mr. Dressup)
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Blue
(Mr. Dressup)
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Red
(Mr. Dressup)
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
(Frog Puppet / Various)
Butternut Square
(Mr Dressup)
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Green
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Blue
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Blue
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Green
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Red
Mr. Dressup: Tickle Trunk Treasures - Red
Mr. Dressup