The Secret Garden
(Dr. Craven)
All Passion Spent
Edward & Mrs. Simpson
(Stanley Baldwin)
The Woman He Loved
(Stanley Baldwin)
Miss Marple: 4.50 from Paddington
(Chief Inspector Duckham)
A Day Out
(Mr. Shuttleworth)
Perfect Friday
Work Is a 4-Letter Word
(Mr Price)
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Song at Twilight
The Tempest
The Wars of the Roses
(Captain to Talbot)
The Bankrupt
(Gowran Cripper)
P.Q. 17
(First Lord A.V. Alexander)
(Warnie Lewis)
Rumpole of the Bailey
Hallmark Hall of Fame
(Dr. Craven)
(Inspector Jowett)
Edward and Mrs Simpson
(Stanley Baldwin)
No Hiding Place
Helen: A Woman of Today
The Aweful Mr. Goodall
The BBC Television Shakespeare
Madame Bovary
(Father Bournisien)
Play for Today
(Gowran Cripper)
Miss Marple
(Chief Inspector Duckham)
Enemy at the Door
(Generalmajor Müller)
Play for Today
(First Lord A.V. Alexander)