Lupeni 29
(Varga's wife)
Împușcături pe portativ
(Ana Varga)
The Bet
(Old Woman)
(Mother Superior)
The Enchanted Grove
(Cucoana Emilia)
Bucharest Identity Card
Uncle Marin, the Billionaire
Cadavrul viu
Autumn of the Goslings
You Look Wild
A Bomb Was Stolen
Repeated Wedding
(Eleonora Popescu)
Chirița în Iași
Cucoana Chirița
Dănilă Prepeleac
The Poseidon Explosion
(carciumareasa Vestemeanca)
Filip the Kind
Pisica de mare
The Outlaws
The Thirst
Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475
(Midwife Irina)
The Revenge of the Outlaws
A Midsummer Day's Smile
The Uprising
The Making of the World
The Martens Brothers
(Ghicitoarea Raluca)
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
Hot Days
Iarna bobocilor
Operation 'The Bus'
For Motherland
(Nurse Ana)
Iancu Jianu, Tax Collector
Iancu Jianu, Outlaw
The Famous Paparazzo
The Kidnapping of the Maidens
White Trial
A World Wihout Sky
(Ana Varga)
The Brothers
The Man in the Overcoat
Postcards with Wildflowers
(Păuna Varlam)
Silent Friends
The Last Night of Loneliness
Because They Are in Love
(Mrs. Haiduc)
Serenade for the 12th Floor
The Teacher's Correspondence
The Court Adjourns the Sentencing
Taste and Color of Happiness
Together Again
Grandpa and Two Young Offenders
The Major and Death
Ana and the Thief
The Freckled Boy
(Doamna Rozeanu)
Narcisa Sălbatică
(bunica Narcisei)