Japanese comedian. After graduating from Komagome High School, he entered disciple to popular comedian Shunji Sayama. Later, with the rise of television, he formed Trio the Skyline with Higashi Hachiro and Kenji Harada.
The Blossom and the Sword
The Pleasures of a Motel
(Narrator (voice))
The Demon Comes in Spring
Hot Blooded Yakuza at the Shopping District! - Chapter 1: The Rage
Ninja Wars
Fine, with Occasional Murders
(Inspector Mitsuo Tada)
Little Adventurer
Delinquent Girl Boss: Tokyo Drifters
Woman Mobsters
Heaven Sent
Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom
Lupin the Third: Strange Psychokinetic Strategy
Tora-san's Dream of Spring
Labyrinth Romanesque
Hobo General
The Forest of the Little Bear
Challenge of a Man
Hot Blooded Yakuza at the Shopping District! - Chapter 2: The Explosion
Professional Killers
(Nobuo Minami)
Ninja Captor