Fire at Sea
Huns Within Our Gates
(Dorothy Waring)
Bolshevism on Trial
(Elena Worth)
The Story of a Mother
The Great Circus Catastrophe
Diana the Huntress
(Diana - Goddess of the Moon)
Silas Marner
Hidden Valley
(The White Goddess (as Valkyrien))
(Marie Schwartz (as Valkyrien))
The Image Maker
The Cruise of Fate
(Miriam Kennedy)
T'Other Dear Charmer
(Anne Vanderhook)
The Crusher
(Dorothy Waring)
The Unwelcome Mother
The Valkyrie
(The Valkrye)
(Elena Harcourt)
The Thrilling Adventures of Count Verace
Direktørens Datter
Hans første Honorar
Frederik Buch som skopudser
En moders kærlighed
De uheldige Friere
To Søstre
(Emma Kroyer - Actress)
En historie om kærlighed
(Emma Kroyer)
The Clown's Revenge