Jorge Prelorán was an Argentine-American filmmaker renowned for his ethnographic documentaries that intimately portrayed the lives and cultures of rural communities in Argentina. His pioneering work in "ethnobiography" combined anthropological research with cinematic storytelling, offering deep insights into his subjects' personal experiences. Notable films include Hermógenes Cayo (1969) and Luther Metke at 94 (1980), the latter earning an Academy Award nomination. Prelorán's extensive body of work is preserved at the Smithsonian Institution's Human Studies Film Archives, ensuring his contributions to documentary filmmaking and cultural preservation continue to be recognized.
Eva's Man
Luther Metke at 94
Don Emilio and His Little Doctors
Luther Metke at 94
Luther Metke at 94
It Happened in Hualfin
La feria de Yavi
Castelao (Biografía de un ilustre gallego)
Castelao (Biografía de un ilustre gallego)
(Director of Photography)
Castelao (Biografía de un ilustre gallego)
It Happened in Hualfin
(Director of Photography)
Valle fértil
Valle fértil
Hermógenes Cayo (Imaginero)
Hermógenes Cayo (Imaginero)
Mi tía Nora
Zulay, Facing the 21st Century
Zulay, Facing the 21st Century
Zulay, Facing the 21st Century
Trapiches caseros
Feria en Simoca
Cochengo Miranda
The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego
The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego
(Director of Photography)
The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego
(Camera Operator)
The unvictorious one
Araucanos de Ruca Choroy
Araucanos de Ruca Choroy
Araucanos de Ruca Choroy
Zerda's Children
La iglesia de Yavi
Medardo Pantoja