Osmo Harkimo


Pekka ja Pätkä lumimiehen jäljillä

(Director of Photography)

Prinsessa Ruusunen

("B" Camera Operator)

Isäntä soittaa hanuria

(Director of Photography)

Viisi vekkulia

(Director of Photography)

Pastori Jussilainen

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Kohtalo tekee siirron

(Director of Photography)

Perheen musta lammas

(Second Assistant Camera)

Oi, kallis Suomenmaa

(Second Assistant Camera)

Isaskar Keturin ihmeelliset seikkailut

(Director of Photography)

Aaltoska orkaniseeraa

(Director of Photography)

Pähkähullu Suomi

(Director of Photography)

Vain laulajapoikia

(Director of Photography)

Professori Masa

(Director of Photography)

Lapseni on minun…



(Director of Photography)

Vihaan sinua – rakas

(Director of Photography)

Laulava sydän

("B" Camera Operator)

Maija löytää sävelen

(Director of Photography)

Pontevat pommaripojat

(Director of Photography)

Toukokuun taika

("B" Camera Operator)

Kenraalin morsian

(Director of Photography)

Veteraanin voitto

(Director of Photography)

Hei, rillumarei!

(Director of Photography)

Irmeli, seitsentoistavuotias

(Director of Photography)

Suopursu kukkii

("B" Camera Operator)


("B" Camera Operator)

Oksat pois…

(Director of Photography)

Haaviston Leeni

("B" Camera Operator)

Tapahtui kaukana

(Director of Photography)

Iloinen Linnanmäki

(Director of Photography)

Kaunis Veera eli ballaadi Saimaalta

(Director of Photography)

Tyttö ja hattu

(Director of Photography)

Perheen musta lammas

(Assistant Camera)

Totinen torvensoittaja

(Assistant Camera)


(Assistant Camera)


(Assistant Camera)

Tuomari Martta

(Assistant Camera)

Yövartija vain…

(Assistant Camera)

Oi, kallis Suomenmaa

(Assistant Camera)


(Assistant Camera)

Scarlet Week

(Director of Photography)

Rakkaus alkaa aamuyöstä

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Rikollinen nainen

(Director of Photography)

Girl of Finland

(Director of Photography)

Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta

(Director of Photography)

Uskolliset ruskeat silmät

(Director of Photography)

Pekka ja Pätkä neekereinä

(Director of Photography)

The Unknown Soldier

(Director of Photography)

Radio tekee murron

(Director of Photography)

Sven Tuuva the Hero

(Director of Photography)

Intohimon vallassa

(Director of Photography)

Radio tulee hulluksi

(Director of Photography)

Ingen morgondag

(Director of Photography)

Me tulemme taas

(Director of Photography)

Niskavuori taistelee

(Director of Photography)

Yö on pitkä

(Director of Photography)

Isän vanha ja uusi

(Director of Photography)

Minä soitan sinulle illalla

(Director of Photography)

The Unknown Soldier



(Director of Photography)