Lotfy Labib

Lotfy Labib, born on August 18, 1947, is an Egyptian stage, television, and film actor. He also worked as an announcer at one point. Despite having graduated from the Institute of Theatrical Arts in 1970, Labib's career was delayed for a whole decade. First, he was drafted into the army for six years, and then traveled outside Egypt for four years. His career truly started in 1981, when he acted in the play "The Bald Singer," which he followed with another stage production "The Hostages." Labib has since then worked profusely, in many supporting but memorable roles, with over 200 film and television credits. Though many of his screen appearances have been brief, Labib has performed admirably and has shown himself to be one of the strongest performers of his generation.


Bitter Day, Sweet Day


A Friend Indeed

Why Does the Sea Laugh


A Girl Called Apple

Ramadan Mabrouk Abou El Allamen Hamouda


Dr. Silicon

Can’t Complain




The King Is the King

Axe in the head

Land of Dreams

Sweet Oblivion

(Dr. Ahmed Al-Ayoubi)

Prince of the Seas



Romantic Sayed

(عم يوسف - أبو داليا)

Adam's Autumn

The Beach Loafer

(والد حنتيرة)

Me or My Aunt


H Dabbour

The Dove Hunter

(ضيف شرف)

Mind Your Own Business

(طبيب صلاح)


(جلال الورداني صاحب الشركة)



At Cairo's Railway Station

(والد ملك)

I Am Not With Them

(محمود المنياوي)

Birds of the Nile

(عباس - ضيف شرف)

Bahebak Wi Bamot Feek


مسرحية مسافرة وجت على غفلة

مسرحية أولادي

365 Days of Happiness

Tek Tek Bom

Ali Baba's Cinema

(انتوسيت / الكلب ماكس)

El Talata Yeshtghalonha

(فتحي الاسناوي)

El Haram Street

Marei El Breemo

Knight of the City

(سعيد الفرماوي)

Morning Lies

(وكيل المدرسة)

Lion and Four Cats

(عم شبل ضرغام)






(Sheikh Khaled)

قاطع شحن

(احسان بيه)


Face to Face


The Forbidden Talks

(Abdelaziz Atef)

It's Fine

(أبو الوفا)


Look & Admire

One Cappuccino

The Night Baghdad Fell

Adam's Village


Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver

El Lemby

Khetet Jimmy


Me And My Cousin



(Shukria's Father)

February 30th


The red doorstep

(Kamel Elmanzlawy)

Karima is generous




(خالد أبو حديد)


Human Care Association


Obedience Warning

Nems Bond

Wahid kabtshinu

Shabab Take Away


Ashraf, The Thief

El Dassas

(عدنان بك)

Downtown Shaking

(الحاج جمعة (صاحب الكشك))


Ocean 14

(صاحب محل لعب الأطفال)

Seeking a Man

(ماجد يوسف)

The Captain

White Honey

(عماره - جار علا)

The Morals of Slaves

Love Station

Esabet El Doctor Omar

The Following Statement Came To Us

(Fakhri Kamil)

Thieves in Thailand


Ali Spicy

Double Faces

(Abdo Abdel Aal)


I Want My Right

(Abou Wafaa)

A Generous Gesture

(Investigation officer)

The Embassy in the Building

(David Cohen)

The Egyptian Nightingale

Lakhmet Ras

(خيرى - زوج أم يوسف)

I Love You, Me Too

The Joy thief


Al Ragol Al Akhtar

(عزيز - الفنان التشكيلي)

The Citizen Gecko

(الأستاذ شوكت)

The Morals of Slaves

(عنتر -أبو سماح)

شعبان الفارس

Account Statement

Antar, The Fourth Grandson of Shaddad

(جد عنترة)


(زغلول النادي)

The Story Has Menna


Three on the Road

One of the Days

(زوج فوزية)

Howa Fi Keda


Return of a Citizen


What Are You


Saber Google

Egypt's Exchange Cafe

Daght A'aly

Fawziya's Secret Recipe

Qet And Far


Newspaper Talk

A Mission in an Old Movie

Dilapidated Woman



Hold Your Position

Fly Out

Abu Shanab

(اللواء نعمان)

Foreign Talk

The Asphalt Kings



(محامي سامح وكريم)

A Horrible Grandpa

The Secret Session

Our Love kangaroo


The President's Chef

Haha we Tofaha

A Mission in an Old Movie

The Ferryman

A Cultural Film

Eighth Dirty Dozen


Ard Ard


Al Shahhateen

The Student Cop

(والد انجي)

Bahr al Nojoum

Below Zero

Me Or Him

The First Time You Fall in Love

Chocolate Coated

Where's My Heart?

Were It a Dream


(محمد حسني البابا)

Critical Moments

Ismail Yassine ( The Man with the Funny Laugh )

Not One Thousand and One Nights

(هيصة الحنجوري)

The Yacoubian Building

Al Zayni Barakat

Abed's Children

Ayoon Al-Qalb


Kayd El-hamawat

Tamer & Shawkeya

(عبد الرحمن سعيد الشعراوي)

The Other Man


Abdul Kader the Foreigner

Rabiaa's Other Half

Back to Love

One Thousand and One Nights: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


Al-Rahaya Stone Hearts

Sukkar's Crisis

Abouda Is a Trademark

Conscience of Teacher Hekmat

Mr. Abo El-Ela El-Beshry's Journey

El Kebeer Awi

(sarof ughlo)

Monk Hill

أبيض في أبيض

(فتوح جمهورية)

شارع المواردي




The Preacher

Public Transport

The Ghosts of Adly Allam

السيرة الهلالية


The Men of the House

Our Families


Saken Osady

His Excellency

Arabesque: The Days of Hassan Al-Noaamany

عائلة زيزو

عريس دليفري

The God Father

City Gates

I will not walk the path of the past

ألف ليلة وليلة: فضل الله ووردانه

(أبو الدواهي)

ألف ليلة وليلة: علي بابا والأربعين حرامي


Bwabet Elhalwani

(يعقوب صنوع)

حكاية الدكتور مسعود

(بخيت - ابن الجزار)

ألف ليلة وليلة

إسماعيل يس (أبو ضحكة جنان)

(الحاج يس علي نخلة والد اسماعيل يس)