Love Travelling a Coach
Rosewood Cane
(József Bosnyák)
(Pálinkás Bence)
The Torocko Bride
The Borrowed Castle
(Dr. Vass)
Liberated Land
(Parish priest)
Two Nights of Maria
(Kárpát Józsi Jenõ)
The Birth of Menyhért Simon
There is No Accident
The Talking Robe
(Olaj bég)
Underground Colony
(Öreg munkás)
A Bowl of Lentils
(Pali, a jószágigazgató fia)
Thirteen Girls Smile at the Sky
(Balogh Feri)
Cafe Moscow
(Kadosa Géza zászlós)
János Háry
Closed Court
Estélyi ruha kötelező
Honour and Glory
The Day of Wrath
A Strange Mark of Identity
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