
Takahiko Iimura

Takahiko Iimura has been a pioneer artist of Japanese experimental film and video, working with film since l960 and with video since 1970 while residing in New York and Tokyo. He is a widely established international artist, having numerous solo exhibitions in major museums such as the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Whitney Museum, New York, Anthology Film Archives, New York, Centre George Pompidou, Paris, the National Gallery Jeu de Paume, Paris, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Reina Sofia National Museum, Madrid, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo in addition to an artist residency at the German Academy of Arts, Berlin, and Bellagio Rockefeller Foundation Study Center, Bellagio, Italy.


1 To 60 Seconds


Sakasama (Upside Down)


Ukiyo Ukare


6x6 (Oukan Densentsu)


Associations of Silverpencils




Plus and Minus


Models: B-4: Seeing, Not Seeing


Camera, Monitor, Frame




White Calligraphy


A Dance Party in the Kingdom of Lilliput




On Eye Rape


John Cage Performs James Joyce


Rose Color Dance


Talking in New York




Why Don't You Sneeze


Shelter 9999


Talking Picture (The Structure of Film Viewing)


Air's Rock


Japanese Erotica: Five Films on Love and Sex from the Japanese Underground of the Experimental Cinema




MA: Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-ji


A I U E O NN Six Features


Observer / Observed


Observer / Observed / Observer


MA: Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-ji


Observer / Observed


A I U E O NN Six Features


Observer / Observed / Observer


I am (Not) Seen




The Masseurs


Man and Woman


Time Tunnel: Takahiko Iimura at Kino Arsenal, 18. April 1973


New York Day and Night: A Journey through Light and Darkness


A Chair




Visual Logic (and Illogic)


Time Tunnel


Timed 1, 2, 3


Yoko Ono: This Is Not Here


Yoko Ono: This Is Not Here






MA (Intervals)


The Making of MA in Ryoan-ji


Ma: The Stones Haved Moved


I Love You


24 Frames per Second


One Frame Duration


Double Portrait


Dada 62


Kiri (The Fog)


In The River


This Is a Camera Which Shoots This


Iro (Colors)


I Am A Viewer You Are A Viewer




As I See You You See Me


Film Strips I


The Pacific Ocean


Honey Moon


Film Strips II


I Saw the Shadow


Inside & Outside


My Documentary


Taka and Ako


New York Scenes


Buddha Again


New York Hot Springs


Concept tape 3 (Performance)


Sky and Ground


Fluxus Replayed


Concept Tapes 1


Concept Tapes 2




The Masseurs


Scared to Death


Dead Movie
