Ed Hendrik (birth name 'Edoardo Purgatori') was born in Rome in 1989 to Andrea Purgatori, an Italian journalist and screenwriter and to Nicola Schmitz, a German art historian and actress. Ed is the eldest of three children and since kindergarten he attended the German School of Rome, where he began to cultivate a passion for acting when becoming a part of the school’s theater company. He currently lives and works between London, Rome and Berlin as well as continuing to build his career in the United States.
Love Today
Trennung auf Italienisch
(Radio Operator (voice))
Freaks Out
(Soldato tedesco)
Anita Garibaldi
(Nino Bixio)
When Nuvolari Runs: The Flying Mantuan
(Achille Varzi)
The Goddess of Fortune
The Great Rage
(Stefano, Policeman)
The Boundary
(Caporale Dalmasso)
The Move of the Penguin
(Ennio il segretario)
The Ignorant Angels
Un medico in famiglia
(Emiliano Lupi)
Eroi per caso
(Soldato austriaco)
Tutto può succedere
Donna Detective