Salah El-Saadany

Salah El-Saadany (صلاح السعدني) was an Egyptian actor and director born on October 23, 1943 in Giza, and died on April 19, 2024.


The Downtown Apartment


The Bullet is Still in My Pocket


Al Ashqia

Awlad Al-Usul

The King Is the King

Darb Al Rahba

(Mohammad Mosed)

A Wife Without a Man

Laih Ya Dunya


Girls In Trouble


The Time of Hatem Zahran


Al Alwda Wa Al Asfour

Concerto in Darb Saada


Beggars and Noblemen

Little Dreams


The Sixth Day

Uncle Qandil's Scissors

A Very Difficult Mission


My Beautiful Teacher


Layl Wa Khawana


A Song on the Passage


Tower of Tanneries


Behind The University's Walls

الوحش داخل الإنسان

احترس!!! نحن المجانين

صورة عائلية

(أشرف هلال)

love school


Tali' al-Nakhl


أنا وبابا والقطة

The Smoke


The technical secretary


Your Wisdom, God!

El-Halal Yksab


The Land




Clash of the Grandchildren

(Bourhan Nouh)

Thug of the Poor


Al Ghoul

(Hussein Abu Deif, prosecutor)

The Piper

Final Confession


The Troublemakers


El Mwazafoun Fel Ard

A Woman's Might


A File in Vice


The Sad Night Bird


The Greatest Kid in the World

Uncle Ahmed's Case

(محمود رشاد الجن)


Lack of Evidence


قلوب في بحر الدموع

(عادل خليل)


Lokanda Alfardos

(صبى الفندق)



The seller of love

The Devil Sings

(د. محيي)

Shayateen El Leyl


Fawazia The Bourgeoisie

Laenet Al Zaman

(محمود ابن حسن)

Ballo Ballo


It's Better Without Marriage


The Ferryman



زهرة الصبار


Below Zero


Helm el ganouby

(نصر وهدان القط)

The Yacoubian Building

حارة الزعفراني

Lil Tharwa Hessabat Okhra

نقطة نظام

Dream Travel

The Foul Wind

قرية الرعب


آسف .. لا يوجد حل


The People of the Askar Hamlet

(عبد القادر)

Seyam Seyam

(سعيد جابر)


درب ابن برقوق


شارع المواردي


Years of Misery and Love


The Minors

Brothers But Enemies

City Gates

(أمين شحاتة)

أم العروسة

My Dear Children, Thank You

(عاطف - الابن الاوسط)


(مرسي قبطان)

وجع البعاد

سنوات الغضب

Al Helmeya Nights

(Soliman Ghanem)

Arabesque: The Days of Hassan Al-Noaamany

The wife is first to know

The sea said


City Gates

(الدكتور أمين)

عادات وتقاليد Adat W Takaleed

غداً تدق الأجراس


The Pasha's House



عاصفة على بحر هادئ
