Oleg Edwardovich Komarov is a Soviet and Russian film and television actor. Former KVN member. Born on April 28, 1964. He graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute and the Sverdlovsk State Theater Institute. He played in KVN for the teams "Ural Wipers", "Dream Team", "CIS Team". He participated in the projects of OSP-Studio, was leading the transfer of "Mark of quality." Theatrical Roles: “Two in One”, The Art Voyage XXI Theater Agency. From Wikipedia (ru), the free encyclopedia
Brother 2
(School Guard)
Boris Godunov
The Man Who Knew Everything
Old Hags
Safari 6
Likes or Dislikes
The President and his Granddaughter
The Witness
(Lev Sakhnovetskiy)
Desperate for Marriage
(Vadim Borisovich)
The Lion's Share
The Rifleman of the Voroshilov Regiment
(market's gun dealer)
Домовенок Кузя
Do It, Manya!
Son of a Rich 2
(Дмитрий Тимофеев (барин))
Золушка 4х4. Всё начинается с желаний...
The Wave Runner
Здравия желаю! или Бешеный дембель
About Cinema
Plane's Flying to Russia
Upside Down
Лада из страны берендеев
Son of a Rich
Undercover Standup
(Artyom's father)
The Cursed Official
Manyunya: Adventures in the Village
The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Нереальная история
(отец пещерной семьи / Тищенко, майор / Феофан, боярин)
The Frauds
Pull, the Chest
Порцелянове весілля
(Ариф торговец овощами)
Ulyotnyy ekipazh
Свадьбы и разводы
(Отец Славика)
Millions Online
I'm Watching You
Nine Unknowns
(vedushchiy igrovogo shou «Znanie - Sila»)