Jolly Fellows
His Wife's Diary
Days of Eclipse
(Malyanov's Sister)
The Lover
On the Last Journey
Return to Zurbagan
(Antonina Semyonovna)
Mournful Unconcern
(Guinness's nurse)
Dancing Ghosts
(Galina Nikolaevna)
The Castle
(Joseph Goebbels)
The Turn of the Century
(Marina Nikolaevna)
The Edelweiss Pirates
(Friedel Krämer)
Вербное воскресенье
(Naumovna, cellmate of Oksana)
Jolly Fellows
(aunt Dasha)
Serving the Soviet Union!
Under Electric Clouds
Petersburg: Selfie
Rabbit reserve
Maigret and the Man on the Bench
(Madame Toure)
The Road to Rübezahl
Ruma Elsa
(Мини, служанка)
The Rest Is Silence
(Cora Payne)
Злая судьба
(the fate of Santina)
The Strange Mrs. Savage
(Mrs. Paddy)
I Am a Clown
Grief in a Snuffbox
A Gift from Soldier Ivan Varezhkin
Investigator Tikhonov
С небес на землю