Vojtech Brázdovič


Most na tú stranu

(Property Master)

Midnight Mass

(Property Master)

Every Week Seven Days

(Production Assistant)

Odhalenie Alžbety Báthoryčky

(Property Master)

The Sheriff Behind Bars

(Property Master)

Gigliho ária

(Set Decoration)

The Seventh Continent

(Property Master)

Vrah zo záhrobia

(Property Master)


(Set Decoration)

Adieu Artúr

(Set Decoration)

The Man Who Lies

(Property Master)

Niet inej cesty

(Property Master)

The Royal Chase

(Property Master)

Traditional 69

(Set Decoration)

Birds, Orphans and Fools

(Property Master)

Rekviem za rytierov

(Production Manager)


(Set Decoration)

Čenkovej deti

(Set Decoration)

Veľké pokušenie

(Set Decoration)

Páni sa zabávajú

(Property Master)


(Production Manager)

Zypa Cupak

(Set Decoration)

Človek na moste

(Property Master)

Ďaleko je do neba

(Property Master)

Deň slnovratu

(Property Master)

Srdce na lane

(Property Master)


(Set Decoration)

Uzlíky nádeje

(Set Decoration)

Pán a hvezdár

(Property Master)


(Set Decoration)

Kapitán Dabač

(Property Master)

Na pochode sa vždy nespieva...

(Property Master)


(Property Master)

Racha, My Love

(Property Master)

The Lawyer

(Property Master)


(Property Master)

Dvere dokorán

(Production Manager)

Comrade Cone

(Property Master)

Zázračný autobus

(Set Decoration)

Dievča z jazera

(Property Master)

Pustý dvor

(Property Master)

Zrelá mladosť

(Property Master)

Smrť šitá na mieru

(Property Master)

Cnostný Metod

(Property Master)


(Set Decoration)

Dedinský sen

(Set Decoration)

Živá voda

(Property Master)


(Property Master)

Dies irae

(Set Decoration)

The Assistant

(Property Master)

Salt & Gold

(Property Master)

Predčasné leto

(Property Master)

Návrat Jána Petru

(Property Master)

Skleníková Venuša

(Property Master)

Slané cukríky

(Property Master)

Miesto v dome

(Set Decoration)

Brána k domovu

(Set Decoration)

Naši synovia

(Set Decoration)

Štipku soli

(Set Decoration)