When Birds Sing
Nobody Will Laugh
Bombing Process
King of Endings
(Drugi šahista)
Dramolett by Chiribilli
Dreaming the Rose
An Event
(Čovjek s cigaretom na skeli)
Double Circle
The Rooster's Beak
(Luka Pozadinac)
Adam and Eve
(Čovjek sa zagonetkom)
Tomo Bakran
(Miško, bolnički portir)
Sokol Did Not Love Him
The Dangerous Journey
(Feldwebel Mauser)
The Tamburitza Players
(Čiča Iva - seljak koji cjepa drva)
The Trojan Horse
(Kožarski radnik)
Wet Skin
Seven Hours and Fifteen Minutes
A Visit
Journey to Vucjak
The Man Himself
Beggars and Sons