Accidental Life
Master of His Own Body
(Mladoženja (uncredited))
Dramolett by Chiribilli
Black Birds
(Depsov otac)
The Deer Hunt
Tomo Bakran
Find a Way, Comrade
(Franjo Smokvina)
The Tamburitza Players
(Sturmbannführer Finke)
Wet Skin
(Turjan Vrsti)
The Scar
The Chicken Stealers
My Dear Benefactors
Journey to Vucjak
(Venger Ugarković)
Nikola Tesla
(Kolman Czito (Teslin asistent))
Where the Wild Boars Go
Cat Under a Helmet
(Franjo Smokvina)
Baby Deer
(Milicajac Mile)
The Man Himself