The Hero of the Hour
(Mexican (as M.K. Wilson))
The Field of Honor
(George Baring (as M.K. Wilson))
The Pulse of Life
(Stanford Graham)
The Oubliette
(Philip de Soisson)
The Human Target
(Prince Oscar)
Danger Ahead
The Ghost of the Canyon
(Tom Forrest)
Play Straight or Fight
(Jim Carter)
The Branded Man
(Jim Calvert)
Tell It to the Marines
(Fight Referee)
The Millionaire Paupers
Vagabond Love
(Marjorie's Husband - the Rich Mercahnt)
Their Golden Wedding
(The Stage Manager)
The Source of Happiness
(Frederick Rodd - Jonathan's Son)
Smashing Through
(Ralph Brandon)
The Scarlet Drop
(Graham Lyons)
Thieves' Gold
A Woman's Fool
("The Virginian")
The Costello Case
A Mother's Atonement
Fighting Mad
(Frank Baxter (as M.K. Wilson))
The Flower of Doom
(Harvey Pearson)
Hell Bent
(Undetermined Role)
When Bearcat Went Dry
(Jerry Henderson)
The Deputy's Chance That Won
(Monk Turgis)
Whom the Gods Would Destroy