Participated in the Civil War (1918-1921), worked as ambassador of the Ukrainian SSR in Poland (until 1924). In 1923 he graduated from the screen department of the Higher Courses of Cinema in Warsaw. Played at the Kiev theater under the direction of P.Saksaganskiy (1917). Worked in cinema since 1923.
Magic Night
The Self-Seeker
The Diplomatic Pouch
Mykola Dzheria
Bloody Dawn
The Lost Letter
Навздогін за долею
Vasya, the Reformer
Kiev Resident
(рабочий завода «Арсенал»)
Spring Comes Soon
(Foma Kuzmich)
Ukrainian Rhapsody
Костёр бессмертия
Сколько лет, сколько зим!
(papa Lyuby)
Start a Fight
Overtaking the Wind
Girl's Years
The Servant Woman
The Military Secret
(dedushka Levko)
(svyashchennik - v poselke zolotoiskateley na Alyaske)
Friends - Comrades
The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish
(Главный генерал буржуинов)
Love's Berries
(Toys salesman)
A Great Road Ahead
Journey into April
Lyuboy tsenoy
Fifth Ocean
Руины стреляют...
Свет в окне
Rich Bride
The Italian Woman
Quiet Flows the Don
(granddad Sashka)
Forest People
How the Steel Was Tempered
In the Long Voyage
(Ivan Svistunov, matros)
War Under the Roofs
(дедушка Тодар)
Sons Go Into Battle
(дедушка Тодар)
Oktyabryuhov and Dekabryuhov
Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka
(Шапуваленко, ткач)
Three Hundred Years Ago...
The Little Shoes
(The devil)
Hiding at the Bottom of the Sea
(Лев Петрович, администратор)