Neutral Waters
In the Footsteps of the Bambr
(Bird (voice))
Summer Is Over
What Is to Be Done?
(Mariya Alekseyevna)
Tragedy, Rock Style
(Mariya Stepanovna)
The School Waltz
(директор школы)
Tamara Aleksandrovna's Husband and Daughter
(Zoya's mother)
My Friend, Kolka!
(Lydia Ivanova)
Heart Is Not a Stone
Zigzag of Success
(Пелагея Ивановна Тиходуева)
Night of the Mistakes
Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière
House for the Rich
(Anna Stepanovna (Nyura))
The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenov
(The teacher (voice))
The Diary of Carlos Espinola
Investigation Held by ZnaToKi
(Марьяна Тимофеевна Локтева и Уварова)