Andrei Rublev
(Feofan Grek)
My Life
A Snow Fairy Tale
I Wish to Speak
(Stepan Trofimovich)
Battle on the way
Midshipman Panin
(Captain Nikolai Vasilyevich Sergeyev)
The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'
(музейный хранитель)
The Roundabout
The Tight Knot
(Ignat Gmyzin)
Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding
There Was an Old Couple
Nylon 100%
(иллюзионист Сольди)
In the Town of S.
(больной мужик)
О друзьях-товарищах
Time, Forward!
(Ivan Kuzmich)
Five Day Rest
Rodnye polya
Five Days, Five Nights
The Grey Illness
The Sun Shines to Everyone
(Maksim Petrovich)
(Алексей Николаевич - адвокат)
From Dawn Till Sunset
(Силантий Мироныч Бревнов)
Concerto for Two Violins
(Olya's grandfather)
(Тихон Иванович)
A Big Family
Fathers and Sons
(Василий Иванович Базаров)
The Song of Manshuk
Other People's Relatives
(Silan Ryashkin)
Wake Mukhin Up!
(physics teacher / Galileo Galilei)
The Property of Republic
(иконописец Данила Косой)
Moonlit Nights
(Pavel Dmitriyevich)
Swans of Nepriadva
(Sergiy Radonezhskiy (voice))
Tom Thumb
(Old man (voice))
The Flight
The Alive and the Dead
(Зосима Иванович, сосед Синцова)