Vojtěch Jasný

Vojtěch Jasný (born 30 November 1925 – 15 November 2019) was a Czech director who came to prominence in the sixties. He won a Cannes Special Jury Prize for Až přijde kocour/The Cassandra Cat (1963). He was born in Kelč in Moravia. An active filmmaker in Czechoslovakia throughout the 1950s and 1960s, he was among many artists and intellectuals who left the country after the USSR-led invasion following the Prague Spring of 1968. Jasný worked in other European countries for several years including Austria, West Germany and Yugoslavia until relocating to Brooklyn, New York in the early 1980s. Jasný taught film directing classes at Columbia University for several years (where his compatriot Miloš Forman was also a professor and former Film Division Co-Chair) and continues to teach at The School of Visual Arts (SVA) and The New York Film Academy (NYFA). Až přijde kocour/The Cassandra Cat is an allegorical fable about a magical cat that comes to a small Czech town and causes the underlying nature of the townspeople to be revealed. The film won a Special Jury Prize at Cannes. Also among Jasný's works is Všichni dobří rodáci /All My Good Countrymen (1968), a story centering on the lives and fates of several rural Czechs as they struggle to adapt and survive under communist rule; a film later banned in Czechoslovakia after the invasion of 1968.


It’s Not Always Cloudy


It’s Not Always Cloudy

(Director of Photography)

Za život radostný


Za život radostný


Za život radostný


Impressions of Herbert Von Karajan


When the Cat Comes


Lidé jednoho srdce


Lidé jednoho srdce


Lidé jednoho srdce

(Camera Operator)

All My Good Countrymen


All My Good Countrymen


Stará čínská opera


Stará čínská opera

(Camera Operator)

When the Cat Comes


The Peanut Butter Solution






Věděli si rady


Věděli si rady


Věděli si rady


Věděli si rady

(Director of Photography)

Die Rückkehr des alten Herrn


Why Havel?


Return to Paradise Lost


Return to Paradise Lost


Return to Paradise Lost


Jarní vody


The Clown


The Clown


The Pipes




All My Good Countrymen


Neobyčejná léta


Neobyčejná léta


Neobyčejná léta


Neobyčejná léta

(Director of Photography)

I Survived Certain Death




When the Cat Comes


Der Kulterer


Z čínského zápisníku


Z čínského zápisníku

(Camera Operator)

September Nights


Nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit


Es gibt noch Haselnußsträucher


Dogs and People


Why Havel?


Die Rückkehr des alten Herrn


Czech Rhapsody


Der Leuchtturm


Der Leuchtturm




The Great Land of Small


Die Stühle des Herrn Szmil


Attempted Flight


Das Leben des schizophrenen Dichters Alexander März


Nasrin oder Die Kunst zu träumen


Everything Ends Tonight


The Pipes


Hell on Earth


Magnetické vlny léčí




September Nights


The Woman from Sarajevo


Bis später - ich muss mich erschiessen


Bis später - ich muss mich erschiessen


Am Strand


Hell on Earth


Dogs and People


Czech Rhapsody


Czech Rhapsody


It’s Not Always Cloudy


It’s Not Always Cloudy


Váhavý střelec


Attempted Flight


Der Kulterer


The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin


Broken Silence


Der blinde Richter
