Vladas Bagdonas is Lithuanian theatre, cinema and television actor, director and singer. In 1970 V. Bagdonas graduated Lithuanian Academy of Music. During 1970-1993 he was an actor at Youth Theatre (Jaunimo teatras) in Vilnius. Since 1993 Vladas Bagdonas works as a professor at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. In 2002 he was awarded with Lithuania Grand Duke Gediminas 5th Grade Medal of Honor.
Come and See
The Edge
Guys from Mars
(American Boss)
The Thirteenth Apostle
The Conductor
Northern Crusades
Saduto Tuto
(Balys Adamonis)
When the Oaks Were Falling
(Antanėlis "Skystimas")
Markizas ir piemenaitė
Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation
(Otto Khamerbol)
Utterly Alone
I Am
(Fotografas, daktaras Faustas)
Pirosmani, Pirosmani...
(Niko Pirosmanišvilis)
Lobis. Unknown Trasures
(Senelis Jokūbas)
Earth the Foster-Mother
The Process of Giordano Bruno
Twenty Minutes with an Angel
The Dig
Gladiator for Rent
Forget About the Return
House of Fools
Walnut Bread
The Roots of Grass
The Veldt
(Маршан, ювелир в Ревеле)
Raudonmedžio Rojus
(Robertas Haberlandas)
Снайпер: Оружие возмездия
(Otto Hamerbol)
An American Tragedy