Bohumil Šmída


The Story of a Murder

(Dr. Schäure)


Čas pracuje pro vraha

„Rakev ve snu viděti...“


Burglar and Umbrella


Girl with Shells

Požáry a spáleniště

La Chanson du mal-aimé

Fortress on the Rhine

(General Tim Attwood)

The Five Sinners


If a Thousand Clarinets

Nahá pastýřka

A Killer on the Tracks


Spravedlnost pro Selvina

One of Them Is the Murderer

(Jan Krása)

Honba za filmovým námětem

Noc labutí

Dvě věci pro život

Zlatá svatba

Nesmíš myslet na klokana

The Harder They Fall

Days of Betrayal

Počkám, až zabiješ

Girls from a Porcelain Factory

Případ mrtvého muže

Great Sorrow

Město nic neví

Miss Golem

(Dr. Talpe)

The Day That Shook the World

Jednou v Karlových Varech

Čas lásky a naděje

Smrt na černo

Where an Alibi Is Not Everything

(thief Josef Sesták)

Barrandovské nokturno aneb Jak film tančil a zpíval

(Self - Audience Member)

The Motive for Murder

(Dr. Mareš (segment "Rukojmí"))

Adventures with a Naked Boy

(Tram Conductor)

Sázka na třináctku


Great Solitude


Výstřely v Mariánských Lázních

Zločin v Modré hvězdě

A Star Travels South

(Man at airport)

Don't Take Shelter From The Rain

Slečny přijdou později

The Secret of the Gold Buddha

Death Chooses

People from the Subway

Alfons Karásek v lázních

Láďo, ty jsi princezna!


Before Graduation

Život vojenský – život veselý

The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night

The Road Back


Ve znamení Merkura

Pavol zasahuje

Pan Tau



Legenda o živých mrtvých

Duhový luk

Thirty Cases of Major Zema

(kormidelník Hais)

Muž, který nesmí zemřít

My z konce světa


DS-70 nevyjíždí

(Production Manager)

Man in Outer Space

(Executive Producer)

The Night Guest

(Executive Producer)

Distant Journey

(Production Manager)

Divá Bára

(Production Manager)


(Production Manager)

Pohádka o staré tramvaji

(Executive Producer)

Na dobré stopě

(Production Manager)

The Green Notebook

(Executive Producer)

Akce Kalimantan

(Executive Producer)

Bílá oblaka

(Executive Producer)

Reportáž psaná na oprátce

(Executive Producer)

Smrt na Cukrovém ostrově

(Executive Producer)

Tažní ptáci

(Executive Producer)

Something Different

(Executive Producer)

Okurkový hrdina

(Executive Producer)

Joseph Kilian

(Executive Producer)

Prague Blues

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

For Whom Havana Dances

(Executive Producer)

Don't Take Shelter From The Rain

(Executive Producer)

Bez svatozáře

(Executive Producer)

When the Cat Comes

(Executive Producer)

Fortress on the Rhine

(Executive Producer)

Prosím, nebudit

(Executive Producer)

Life Without a Guitar

(Executive Producer)

Štika v rybníce

(Production Manager)

Among Us Thieves

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

The Jester's Tale

(Executive Producer)

5 Million Witnesses

(Executive Producer)

A Boring Afternoon

(Executive Producer)

Long Live the Republic

(Executive Producer)

Délka polibku devadesát

(Executive Producer)

Chlapci zadejte se

(Executive Producer)

If a Thousand Clarinets

(Executive Producer)

Pearls of the Deep

(Executive Producer)

Sign of the Virgin

(Executive Producer)

Golden Queen

(Unit Production Manager)


(Executive Producer)

Romance for Bugle

(Executive Producer)

Slečny přijdou později

(Executive Producer)

People From Caravans

(Executive Producer)

Nahá pastýřka

(Executive Producer)

Closely Watched Trains

(Executive Producer)

Sign of the Cancer

(Executive Producer)

Happy End

(Executive Producer)

Jak se krade milión

(Executive Producer)

The Nun's Night

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Capricious Summer

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

„Rakev ve snu viděti...“

(Executive Producer)

Kudy kam?

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Sons of the Mountains

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

A Matter of Days

(Executive Producer)

All My Good Countrymen

(Executive Producer)

The Joke

(Executive Producer)

Florenc 13,30

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

The Case Is Not Yet Closed

(Executive Producer)

Jahrgang 21

(Executive Producer)

School for Fathers

(Executive Producer)

Panenství a kriminál

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Svatej z Krejcárku

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

The Road Back

(Executive Producer)

The Black Battalion

(Executive Producer)

What Will My Wife Say to This?

(Executive Producer)

The Black Battalion

(Original Music Composer)

Today for the Last Time

(Executive Producer)

A Star Travels South

(Executive Producer)

Občan Brych

(Executive Producer)

Páté kolo u vozu

(Executive Producer)

Escape from the Shadows

(Executive Producer)

Svatá hříšnice

(Executive Producer)

A Suburban Romance

(Executive Producer)

One of Them Is the Murderer

(Executive Producer)

Tvář pod maskou

(Executive Producer)

The Great Unknown

(Executive Producer)

Devilish Honeymoon

(Executive Producer)

Jsem nebe

(Executive Producer)

Kateřina a její děti

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

A Killer on the Tracks

(Executive Producer)

The Matches of a Beautiful Dragoon

(Executive Producer)

Burglar and Umbrella

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

The Death of Black King

(Executive Producer)

Touha Sherlocka Holmese

(Executive Producer)

Murder in the Excelsior Hotel

(Executive Producer)

Svět otevřený náhodám

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

A 105 p.c. Alibi

(Executive Producer)

Pět z milionu

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

The Young Lady from the Riverside

(Executive Producer)

Great Solitude

(Executive Producer)

Zkouška pokračuje

(Creative Producer)

Where an Alibi Is Not Everything

(Executive Producer)

Kohout plaší smrt

(Executive Producer)

Kolik slov stačí lásce?

(Executive Producer)

Králíci ve vysoké trávě

(Executive Producer)

Ledoví muži

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Rychlík do Ostravy

(Executive Producer)

Sedmý kontinent

(Executive Producer)

August Sunday

(Executive Producer)


(Executive Producer)

Tři tuny prachu

(Executive Producer)

Zlé pondělí

(Executive Producer)


(Production Manager)

Warriors of Faith

(Production Manager)


(Production Manager)

Nobody Knows Anything

(Production Manager)

The Adventurous Bachelor

(Unit Production Manager)

Poslední mohykán

(Production Manager)