Martyrs of Love
(Assistant Production Manager)
The End of Agent W4C
(Assistant Production Manager)
The Valley of the Bees
(Assistant Production Manager)
Tam kde hnízdí čápi
(Unit Production Manager)
The End of a Priest
(Assistant Production Manager)
On Zizka's Battle Waggon
(Assistant Production Manager)
(Assistant Production Manager)
The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night
(Assistant Production Manager)
Murdering the Devil
(Unit Production Manager)
(Unit Production Manager)
The Treasure of Count Chamaré
(Unit Production Manager)
Za volantem nepřítel
(Unit Production Manager)
Řeknem si to příští léto
(Unit Production Manager)
Skandál v Gri-Gri baru
(Unit Production Manager)
Bridal Tour to Jilji
(Unit Production Manager)
Pan Vok odchází
(Unit Production Manager)
Tvář za sklem
(Unit Production Manager)
Hra o královnu
(Unit Production Manager)
Kam zmizel kurýr
(Unit Production Manager)
Každému jeho nebe
(Unit Production Manager)
Poslední vlak
(Unit Production Manager)
Příhody pana Příhody
(Unit Production Manager)
Hledám dům holubí
(Unit Production Manager)
Dva tygři
(Assistant Production Manager)
Long Live the Republic
(Assistant Production Manager)
House for Two
(Assistant Production Manager)