William Cohen (born 1978), better known by the stage name Billy Corben, is an American documentary film director. As a co-founder of the Miami-based studio Rakontur, along with producing partner Alfred Spellman, he has created films such as Cocaine Cowboys, Dawg Fight, and ESPN's 30 for 30 The U and The U Part 2.
Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' with the Godmother
Cocaine Cowboys
Square Grouper
The U
Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded
Raw Deal: A Question Of Consent
Raw Deal: A Question Of Consent
Dawg Fight
God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty
God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty
(Executive Producer)
The U Part 2
Collision Course: The Murder of Don Aronow
Men of War
The U
Cocaine Cowboys
Cocaine Cowboys
537 Votes
537 Votes
Dawg Fight
From Russia with Lev
True Stories
30 for 30
Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami
The Tanning of America