
Togo Mizrahi


Lend Me Three Pounds


Lend Me Three Pounds


A Thousand and One Nights




Suspicious Affluence


Layla the Country Girl


Lend Me Three Pounds




Shalom the Sportsman




Layla The Schoolgirl


The Night Watchman


The three musketeers


A woman's heart


Long live women!


A lie within a lie


Layla in the dark


Nour al-Din and the Three Sailors


A Thousand and One Nights


The Night Watchman


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


Osman and Ali


Osman and Ali


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


The Straight Road


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


أنا طبعي كده


I Prosfugopoula


I Prosfugopoula


Όταν ο σύζυγος ταξιδεύει


Δόκτωρ Επαμεινώνδας


Καπετάν Σκορπιός


أولاد مصر


١٠٠ ألف جنيه




أولاد مصر


أولاد مصر




١٠٠ ألف جنيه


١٠٠ ألف جنيه


The Night Watchman


Shalom the Sportsman


شالوم الترجمان


شالوم الترجمان


A lie within a lie


Long live women!


Long live women!


Layla in the dark


A lie within a lie


A lie within a lie


Nour al-Din and the Three Sailors


Nour al-Din and the Three Sailors


The Straight Road


The Bashmakul


The Straight Road


The Bashmakul


Osman and Ali


Seven O'clock


Osman and Ali


الدكتور فرحات


أنا طبعي كده


أنا طبعي كده


الدكتور فرحات


أنا طبعي كده


في ليلة ممطرة


A Thousand and One Nights


في ليلة ممطرة


Layla the Country Girl


Layla the Country Girl


Layla The Schoolgirl


Layla The Schoolgirl


Leila, ghadet el camelia


Leila, ghadet el camelia


The three musketeers




The three musketeers


A woman's heart


A woman's heart














Suspicious Affluence


Suspicious Affluence


The Bashmakul

(Scenario Writer)

The Bashmakul


Leila, ghadet el camelia


Seven O'clock


Seven O'clock


The Two Representatives


The Two Representatives
