Secret Ballot
Miss Millionersha
An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano
The Mechanic Gavrilov's Beloved Woman
(Люся (парикмахер, подруга Риты))
The First 100 Years Are Hard
(мать Вари)
Sunday, Half Past Six
(zaveduyushchaya perepletnoy masterskoy)
(Люба, актриса)
Posledniy pobeg
(Natalya Vdovina)
Night Accident
(сожительница Воронова Зинаида Симукова)
According to the Criminal Investigation Service...
(zhena Kravtsova)
(snokha Solominykh)
The Cure Against Fear
(Yekaterina Pachkalina, operator v gazovoy kotelnoy)
An Almost Funny Story
(Annoying neighbor Meshkov)
Call Me from Afar
(Natasha, gostya v restorane)
A Slave of Love
A Little Doll
(Tatyana's mother)
Last Escape
This Fantastic World 12
(Сьюзен Кэлвин)
This Fantastic World 11
("голос" подводной лодки)
The Old New Year
Fun of the Young
(Marya Gavrilovna)
Postmark Paradise
A Sentimental Romance
Young Wife
(Тамара, продавщица)
The Zavyalov Weirdos
(Нюра (роман «Капроновая ёлочка»))