Nicolás Echevarría is a Mexican film director and screenwriter renowned for his documentaries and feature films that explore Mexican culture and indigenous traditions. His notable works include Cabeza de Vaca (1991), which depicts the journey of Spanish explorer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, and Eco de la Montaña (2014), a documentary about Huichol artist Santos de la Torre. Echevarría's films are celebrated for their ethnographic depth and visual storytelling, contributing significantly to Mexican cinema.
Echo of the Mountain
Echo of the Mountain
(Director of Photography)
Cabeza de Vaca
Cabeza de Vaca
De la calle
Flor y canto
Sor Juana Inez de la cruz
The 68 Memorial
(Director of Photography)
Echo of the Mountain
Life Kills
Life Kills
The 68 Memorial
The 68 Memorial
Maria Sabina, Spirit Woman
El día que murió Pedro Infante
El día que murió Pedro Infante
El niño Fidencio, el taumaturgo de Espinazo
El niño Fidencio, el taumaturgo de Espinazo
The Return of the Dead
Teshuinada, semana santa Tarahumara
Peasant Poets
Peasant Poets
Peasant Poets
(Director of Photography)
Mexico Mobile Cinema
(Director of Photography)
Appalachian Journey
Cordelia Urueta
(Director of Photography)
American Patchwork: Songs and Stories of America
(Director of Photography)